Re: [Ekiga-list] destructive Ekiga Win-XP un-install

On 05/05/10 20:53, michel memeteau wrote:
2010/5/5 Eugen Dedu<Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr>

On 14/02/10 14:57, michel memeteau wrote:

if for some reason the installer decide that MyDocs is the default install
dir instead of progfiles/ekiga , it will install there and uninstaller
erase the INSTALDIR content and thus mydocs.
I guess it can have something to do with user rights as if progfiles is
writable, i might try Mydocs. I've seen this behaviour before.

Well...  I have just had it too...
I use a computer of my school.  echo %programfiles% shows C:\Program Files.
  I tried to create a directory inside, I do not have the right to do it.
  When I start ekiga-setup, it proposes me to install in C:\Docs and
Settings\ededu/Ekiga.  I have not yet completed the install process.

"Good news " ! Eugen. I don't think it's that weird that the NSIS process
would detect that the user does not have any rights under XP  and thus
propose a D&S/username/Ekiga install dir.

I even think that the firefox installer do this to. So IMO it's not a bug to

The main bug is that the uninstaller remove D&S/username whole folder which
means the regedit uninstall key is not correctly read.

Here is the progress so far:
- as shown at N07/4356542596/, the installer did not install ekiga in a new directory (look at ekiga, help, locale, icons directories, which belong to ekiga), but directly in MyDocuments, where other files reside - I think that yesterday everything was ok for me anyway, since it proposed a new directory (ending in Ekiga) - the NSIS script in ekiga uses during uninstall (cf.
    Delete /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\*.*"
which of course removes the whole installation directory (by the way, aren't both these commands identical??) This is unsafe anyway, as shown at the end of the section

I try to understand now:
- why the installer have not proposed a new directory (ending in \Ekiga). Reporter, have you installed it in MyDocs or in MyDocs\Ekiga? Have you modified the directory it proposed you or not? - how to avoid delete *\*, since by the way the uninstallation might work even if the user himself chooses an already existing and non empty directory


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