Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga on Ubuntu using DSL

kapetr wrote:
>>> ----- Eugen Dedu wrote:
>>> In Ubuntu such thing are served with "PPAs". So if
>>> such PPA for Ekiga
>>>> in Ubuntu do not exist yet, could You create it ?
>> Ok, I have finally done it.  Could you install opal
>> from
>> (replacing
>> your current opal) and tell if it works?  I'ts ubuntu
>> original opal,
>> plus the patch fixing the internal/external ports issue.
>> -- 
>> Eugen
> Hello and sorry please the delay (I was sick),
> So - I have downgrade to original karmic ekiga 2.6.5 with Yours libopal3.6.4_3.6.4~dfsg-1ubuntu2_i386.deb
> The INVITE (RTP contact in SDP) seems to be OK now, but the call to "500"
> fails -there are IP fragments ?! - see attached libcap.
> Maybe is is momental problem on ekiga service server ?
> I will try it again later.

Right now 500 works.

Could you send us the -d 4 output?  (By the way, the pcap was empty.)


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