Re: [Ekiga-list] destructive Ekiga Win-XP un-install

Le samedi 13 février 2010 à 10:09 -0800, Stan a écrit :
> It did it right in front of my eyes.

This is not a proof. What you saw is your computer deleting your files,
not ekiga. e.g. some viruses add themselves to various binaries and do
actions when this binary is used.

The windows binary is cross compiled from a GNU/Linux platform; this
process is quit safe against viruses. Some days ago, people did a check
against the binary for viruses and they did not find anything. The
website is pointing to the right binary as Eugen stated.

I'll try to reproduce your issue, but be aware again: it is not because
you are using some software when something bad happen that it is a proof
this particular software behave badly.

Best regards,

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