Re: [Ekiga-list] Fedora 12 testing packages for NAT traversal support

On 24/04/10 15:57, David Ford wrote:
Thanks Yannick and Chipper
I will do a fresh install of FC 12 and give it a try
Thanks again

On 24/04/10 11:21, yannick wrote:

Chipper did binary packages for Fedora 12 including the NAT traversal
patch (add STUN support for the audio and video streams).

Please test them and report here:

(You just need to install opal-3.6.6-1.1.fc12.i686.rpm if your using the
32 bits version of Fedora, or opal-3.6.6-1.1.fc12.x86_64.rpm if you're
using the 64 bits version)

Many thanks to Chipper.

Best regards,


   What is "opal?" Is it a replacement for Ekiga? Can I install it on
   my F-12 box here? Must I remove Ekiga first?



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