Re: [Ekiga-list] Sucess between two ekiga clients.


2010/4/13 Eugen Dedu <Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr>:
>> on both sides we don't have the patented plugins installed, because
>> I'm not sure it's still possible on both distro .So using speex/theora
>> with 320*240 on both side gives really average results but it's still
>> okay. I tried once to install theora 1.1 but it just make opal fail.
>> did anyone succeed ?
> It compiles well here.  What error do you have?

I meant but maybe I was wrong that opal is using the libtheora present
on the system like we can see here

So I just updated libtheora through theora PPA.

libopal  shouldn't need a recompile for this  , isn't it?

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