Re: [Ekiga-list] GONF

bnc netspeed com au wrote:
> Eugen,
>>> Also I have changed gconf-editor to listen on port 5066, but it
>>> seems to be being ignored. The net result is that ekiga registers,
>>> but only the first time, subsequent reregisters fail
>> Have you restarted ekiga?
> Yes I have. I have tested it a few times now.
> I can get 1 call out but then no other calls work.
> I am assuming that gconf is still being used by ekiga.
>>> I then go into edit accounts and untick the box, when I retick it
>>> ekiga crashes.
>> This is probably
>> Now, it does not crashes, it just does not register, so it is
>> partially fixed.
> Had a look at the  bug and I am left with the impression that
> registration is still a problem.
> As I said in my case the first registration works but all subsequent
> ones fail.
> So am I right in saying that ekiga still uses the data from gconf

If your problem is not solved in a few days, please create a bug report,
so that it is not lost.


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