[Ekiga-list] [chris seberino org: Re: Help! Can't *send* audio. Can only *receive* audio. I know microphone works.]

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 08:21:48PM +0200, Eugen Dedu wrote:
>> I presume the one to focus on is "Input device".  There are only 4 choices, WAV
>> file, SILENT, "Default (PTLIB/ALSA)" and HDA Intel.
> They are ok.
> Send us a -d 4 output.

I noticed that the mixer tab which I use to turn the mic on/off was laelled
"HDA Intel" so I switched Ekiga's "Input device" from ALSA to "HDA Intel".
Could that be the problem?  I don't know what the diff is between "HDA Intel"
and the "Default (PTLIB/ALSA)" setting.

The mailserver wouldn't let me append the long -d 4 output so I placed it here:



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