Re: [Ekiga-list] mailing list archive

> > You should send us the (compressed) output.txt file after:
> > ekiga -d 4 2>output.txt
> Please can I check that I type this in to the terminal?

I guess the question may be on whether you're on Windows. For Unix derivates, this is to be entered in a shell in a terminal (in an X windows display), yes. I'm no Windows user, but I've noticed:

 Debugging Ekiga on Windows
 ekiga.exe -d 5 1>x 2>x

(I'm not sure whether the x after 1> and the x after 2> should be different paths. Or really just the letter x ?)

> Because I did this and nothing happen about from Ekiga starting up and
> when it was already running nothing happened. No report back.

The report should be in the file "output.txt" created in the directory from where you ran the above command. If the file exists, and you're on a system with gzip (like Linux), run "gzip output.txt" and then send "output.txt.gz"


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