Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga build problem ("invalid use of incomplete type 'struct OpalRTPConnection' ")

Zbigniew Baniewski a écrit :
It seems, I've got to answer myself: in my particular case I had to use Opal
3.6.3 and PTLib 2.6.3.

But it's not the end of problems with Ekiga :( while trying to establish
connection with Netmeeting (remote is Win XP), I've got no audio/video
transmission (although it said: connected), no local picture (after turning
on debug I could see, it complains my kernel is higher than 2.4.23), and -
besides - it crashes repeatedly, when I'm trying to call Ekiga from
Netmeeting :((.

There's an error message then:

(ekiga:4530): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to set text from markup due to error parsing markup: Błąd w wierszu 1 przy znaku 41: Tekst nie jest poprawnym łańcuchem UTF-8 - niepoprawne "<b>Zdalny program:</b> Microsoft? NetMeeting? 3.0 181/21324

( Error in line 1 near character 41: Text isn't proper UTF-8 string - bad
"<b>Remote program:</b> Microsoft? NetMeeting? 3.0 )

Could you try to use Michael Rickmann's build? He has a proper installer -- those gtk+ problems make me think you don't have a proper runtime.

Snark on #ekiga

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