Re: [Ekiga-list] ekiga 3.2.1 taking too much cpu

Damien Sandras wrote:
Le jeudi 11 juin 2009 à 12:56 -0400, H.S. a écrit :

With the bouncing logo on both ends (Pic in Pic). Codecs used are SPEEX
and Theora. Same conditions on both machines. But this time (laptop <-->
Debain), I am on my lan. The experiment yesterday was on the Debian
machine with a remote user on the internet.

It would be interesting to try isolating the problem :
- try with and without video
- try with different codecs
- see cases when it happens, and cases when it does not

Perhaps it is due to one of the changes in the ALSA plugin. Eugen ?

I have not changed anything in debian packaging about alsa.


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