Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.25 compiled OK but unable to detect Audio Device


Just want to follow up and close this thread. Still have audio device detection issue, even after installing libasound-dev and also ran Ubtuntu system updates. However I can finally uninstall Ekiga 3.25 manually and was able to install back Ekiga 3.20 from Ubuntu repository.

I ran find /usr -iname "*ekiga*"

The results showed that ekiga was found in usr/local while the uninstall script deleted files in /usr. I then did a couples of rm -rf in /usr/local to delete manually any ekiga I could find there.

This time, Ekiga in Applicaions / Internet menu can no longer start (which I expect). Then I did sudo apt-get install ekiga and the version 3.20 is back and working again.

Although there is no solution to my original request (fixing audio detection of Ekiga 3.25) however, I am happy now that I can at least remove the compiled version of Ekiga. Hope that the new version will be avaiable in Ubuntu repositories soon.


From: Garry Tristan <galaxtri2 yahoo com>
To: Ekiga mailing list <ekiga-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:19:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.25 compiled OK but unable to detect Audio Device

Salut Damien,

>My guess would be that an old Ekiga is still in the menu (installed
in /usr/bin) and that the new one was uninstalled from where it was
installed (probably another location than /usr/bin).

As soon as I succeeded the compilation of Ekiga 3.25, the Menu Applications / Internet / Ekiga Softphone is still there. And when I click on it, Ekiga starts and the About box indicates version 3.2.5. So I assume that the new Ekiga know how to replace the older 3.20 (came standard when I installed buntu 9.04 x64).

I removed the previous Ekiga 3.20 (the one comng wth Ubuntu) by Synaptic Pakage Manager and marked ekiga for removal. Then I ran the "sudo make uninstall" of ekiga, opal, ptlib. But Ekiga 3.25 is still present and can start OK. After I removed completely the original Ekiga (Ubuntu package manage calls this "Mark for complete removel, includinf config file), Ekiga 3.5 still starts and if I do Edit Preferences, it complained:

Error stating file /usr/share/sounds
Ekiga: no such file or directoty

However all the SIP settings are still in place (where does it read the configuration from? They have been removed!)

As I have asked Eugen in the previous email. I would like to remove Ekiga 3.25 completely. Is it possible?

Thanks in advance

From: Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com>
To: Ekiga mailing list <ekiga-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 4:43:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.25 compiled OK but unable to detect Audio Device

Le mercredi 15 juillet 2009 à 20:38 +0200, Eugen Dedu a écrit :

> > Question 2: In case Q1 is unsolvable, how can I remove completely all traces of Ekiga 3.25 so that I can bring back Ekiga 3.20 from the Ubutu repository?
> >
> > For Q2, I have done "sudo make uninstall". Nothing happened. Ekiga 3.25 is still in the Application/ Internet menu and if clicked on it, the program starts normally as if it was not affected by the make uninstall.
> This is interesting.  Could you tell us what sudo make uninstall prints
> (sud make uninstall 2>&1|tee output, and send us output)?

My guess would be that an old Ekiga is still in the menu (installed
in /usr/bin) and that the new one was uninstalled from where it was
installed (probably another location than /usr/bin).
_    Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_  Be IP          :
      FOSDEM          :
      SIP Phone      : sip:dsandras ekiga net

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