Re: [Ekiga-list] A comparison ALSA-PULSE (long, addendum)

Perhaps it's PTLib underneath it? I really don't know, I'm just throwing
the idea out there!

 It is PTLib which contains the code to read from alsa.

Surely, the ideal is not to go via ALSA, but have ptlib directly talk to pulse. Thus, we need to write a ptlib plugin for pulse audio.

We know how ptlib plugins work. There are example plugins for alsa, esd, oss, sunaudio. The big question is writing a plugin for pulse.

What is involved in writing code that talks directly to pulse ?
Anyone know example code, or of the pulse api docs?

Please don't refer me to docs which say "just use alsa code". We are using alsa code, and that is why we are having this issue.


Derek Smithies Ph.D. IndraNet Technologies Ltd. Email: derek indranet co nz ph +64 3 365 6485 Web:

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