Re: [Ekiga-list] ekiga 3 and 16bpp displays

Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> writes:

> Le vendredi 13 février 2009 à 18:35 +0100, Olivier Blin a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I have a crash with ekiga (3.0.x or 3.1.x) when using a 16bpp display.
>> Here is an interesting pointer in the trace:
>> Could not find visual with colordepth of 24 bits per pixel
>> It seems that XWindow::checkDepth() fallbacks to 24bpp, but it does not
>> support 16bpp.
>> The log + trace can be found here:
>> Is ekiga supposed to work with only 24bpp and 32bpp displays?
> I think so yes.
>> What can be done to make it work on 16bpp displays?
> Fix the code so that it works with 16bpp too :-)

Ok, so it mostly needs to be implemented in ptlib?

That would mean:
- in ptlib, src/ptlib/common/vconvert.cxx:
  o add support for RGB565 in PStandardColourConverter::YUV420PtoRGB()
  o add wrappers for this RGB565 mode
- in ekiga, lib/gui/xwindow.cpp:
  o add a new xFormats entry:
    {"RGB16", 16, 2, LSBFirst,     0x0000F800, 0x000007E0, 0x0000001F},
  o fallback to 16bpp in XWindow::checkDepth() when appropriate

Does it sound sensible?

> But is 16bpp that common ?

Maybe not on most modern x86 hardware, but for example on our MIPS
platform for the Gdium project, we prefer to use 16bpp for memory and
bandwith/speed reasons.


Olivier Blin (blino) - Mandriva

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