Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga feedback3

Hi Hernán,
thank you for testing.

Julio Sosa schrieb:
Hi! I could try ekiga again:

I have Debian GNU/Linux 5 with ekiga 3.2.5 wich I got from one of these repositories don't remember wich, I think the second one, I do also have a Linksys router with 2 VoIP lines, one with and the other with The corresponding ports of the router are forwarded to the computers ones. My accounts on ekiga softphone are (ekiga, iptel and megavox).

# deb testing ekiga

deb ./

# deb ./

. My girlfried has Windows XP with ekiga 3.2.pre6 wich she got from
She has an ekiga account in her ekigasoftphone.

Ok, this is what happen, I put my ekiga and my girlfriend codecs in this order from top to bottom:
MY COD                         GIRLFRIEND
speex 8k                      speex 8
speex 16                     speex 16
g726-32                          ilbc
g726-16                          g726-32
g726-24                          g726-16
g722                               g726-24
pcma                              g722
pcmu                              pcma
g726-40                          pcmu
gsm                                g726-40
ms-gsm                         gsm
celt 32                            ms-gsm
celt 48                            celt 32
-------                              celt 48

After that we put jitter from 500 to 150 ms.

Then she told me she was going to connect to test ekiga and I don't know why when she connected then I got all my accounts disconected.

Hours latter I connected first, and everything ok, but when she connected I got my account disconected, the others didn't get disconected.

This router buisyness is so difficult. I can not really help there. Did any of you try to call 500 ekiga net?

Latter again I could call her but according to the codecs prefference the call should be with the speex 8hz codec and I wan't with that. It was with celt! but I couldn't speak nor hear. Then I disallowed celt codec and voila! I got the comunication with the speex codec!
I guess calling each other worked here because you were using the internal IPs. In your logs the sequence of codecs seems ok. I do not know why CELT gets a higher priority all of a sudden. But that you could not hear each other once you agreed on CELT is significant. We had already a short discussion on compatibility of different CELT versions on the devel-list, see the final statement of Gregory Maxwell: . Win32 Ekiga uses CELT 0.51 at the moment as I thought there may be a bit of compatibility using an older version. But now I see that CELT is a "no go" at the moment and will take it out of the Win32 build.

Conclusion: 1) ekiga for some strange reason get disconected at the time other contact get connected (my hipothesis).
2) ekiga does not always follow the codec preferences.

Today I saw how to do the debug of linux:

So with this email I am sending the debug (compressed with 7zip).

Thank you for making ekiga better!



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