Re: [Ekiga-list] How to use the address book?

Volker Bradley wrote:
Am using Ekiga 3.20 on Jaunty.
I wanted to find the username of a friend on Ekiga net.  I clicked on Chat
-> Address Book and entered his name.  Then I clicked on Find.
The result showed "1 user found".  The username did not show.

1 user found is the entry "Search results limited to 100 entries". If he didn't appear, your user is not registered (or has another last/first name). Try with only his last name, or part of his name.

I searched for a long time to find a way to display the friend's username.
I find references to White Pages at Ekiga but cannot find any information on
how to display the White Pages.
Can you tell me how to find usernames on


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