Re: [Ekiga-list] No voice playback in Ekiga test with Intrepid

Jim Barber wrote:
I have a Dell Inspiron Mini-9 with Intrepid installed. I am not using the factory Dell Ubuntu, but the Dell Linux Desktops version. I do not remember if the playback worked or not in the configuration of Ekiga. The Mini has a built in web cam and microphone. The video works just fine and I can hear the test message, but I do not hear what I have said played back to me.

I suspect that something isn't configured correctly as it had a sound problem that needed to be configured for the Mini.

So it seems that your audio input does not work. Do other applications (arecord -f cd a.wav, aplay a.wav for ex.) work or not? Have you checked in ekiga, preferences, audio devices, input device?


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