Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga white page are down.

David Fox a écrit :
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 10:46 AM, yannick <sevmek free fr> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> yannick a écrit :
>>> Hello,
>>> Since at last Fri, 03 Apr 09 11:22:00 +0200, the Ekiga white pages are down.
>>> We are trying our best to fix this issue as soon as possible.
>> It is up again now.
> Have since tried going to the Directory on ekiga 3.2.0 (ubuntu
> official) on Jaunty, and there doesn't seem to be any activity, no
> listings, "refresh" doesn't seem to actively do anything.

Well, I see this as a confirmation for a bug I had too:
It seems when upgrading, the LDAP settings are not updated properly to
the new LDAP system we now have in Ekiga 3.2

The solution is quit simple:
in the address book window, just add a new address book for
and erase the old one. The new one will work.

> My settings on the Ekiga net directory:
> ldap://
> dc=ekiga,dc=net
> Search Scope = subtree
> Display Name attribute = cn
> Call attributes = telephonenumber
> Password is blank = is it required? There doesn't appear to be
> anything that requests the password in this area.
> Use TLS and Use SASL are both unchecked.
> Sasl mechanism - default..
> Attached is a 95K -d 4 output in case that helps.

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