Re: [Ekiga-list] Privacy policy of Ekiga

I assume that everything I read, write, upload or download on the Internet
and dates, times and IP addresses are being recorded by several
governmental agencies at any given moment. Thus far, I have rarely been
proven wrong. I assume everything I do on the Internet could just as well
have been shouted at the top of my lungs in a football stadium.

It is in this sense that I think privacy statements, while being a  profitable
marketing gesture for a business, offers no more privacy than no statement
at all. Let us say you are going to tell someone over Ekiga about some terrible
crime you will commit. Do you really think you will escape police intervention
or a prison sentence because of a privacy statement? I guess you could
try and file a lawsuit from a prison cell, but would it not be easier to accept
my interpretation of VoIP as shouting in a football stadium?

Finally, a lawyer could butt in and tell us all these complicated issues and
scenarios and pitfalls, and the infinite variances in different countries. Again,
would it not be easier to just assume you are shouting in a football stadium
and just accept the Internet does not have much mercy for privacy?


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