Re: [Ekiga-list] speakerphone mode

Damien Sandras wrote:

It is certainly worth having a look. The algorithm is probably good and
could certainly be used in ekiga.

However, I fear the module itself is probably very "zapata" specific and
thus not usable with standard sound applications.

Very interesting link though...

I don't think it is actually. If I understand what David has done (which I might not of course!) he has made a wrapper around the EC itself to interface to the zaptel driver. In fact one has to patch the zaptel sources so that it knows where and how to use the OSLEC canceller.

It works brilliantly. The Trixbox forum thread, linked from his page, is a good example of what happens when people use it. The Callweaver fork recommend it.

As I said - when I used it on my cheap ($15) x100p card the echo simply vanished!

But as I am not a software engineer I don't really know where or how to start using it in other ways...



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