Re: [Ekiga-list] Being called by Windows Messenger to Ekiga

On 1/5/07, Yohann Martineau <yohann martineau nexcom fr> wrote:

I don't know if it will help you, but the following configuration works:

Windows Messenger 5.1 (win) <=> X-Lite (win)

Thanks for that but the righthand-side of the relationship is me and
I'm only running Linux or *BSD out of choice.  The lefthand user only
runs WindowsXP out of choice.

Did you uncheck the .NET account at startup and check in the SIP
Communication service ?

No, he didn't!  It's what I suspected when he started telling me I
needed a .NET Passport, but I'd never used (Windows Messenger 5.1) and
had to rely on what he told me.

But be careful, windows messenger 5.1 does not support HTTP digest, and
it creates dialogs for instant messaging. It means that you cannot use
it with an ekiga account.

"It" == "WM5.1:   or   "It" == "IM with WM5.1"  ?  Damien Sandras'
subsequent email seems to say that I /should/ be able to send IM to
someone using WM5.1 that's registered on

Windows messenger generally has a strange

;)   Seems like this interaction is working for some people and not
others so it must be due to using proxies or firewalls or something
like that.  Thanks for all the info.


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