[Ekiga-list] Being called by Windows Messenger to Ekiga

Hi all,

I've been trying to get a windows user set up with a VOIP client so
that we can communicate.  So far our testing of combinations is
partial and incomplete, but we've done

* Skype (Win) <-> Skype(Linux) -- I don't like it because of Skype's
non-Free nature, but it works
* Gizmo (Win) <-> Gizmo(Linux) -- this fails partially on the Linux
side because of some interaction with ALSA, also although they're
using an open protocol the client is non-Free
* Gizmo(Win) <-> Ekiga (Linux) -- seems to fail in both directions,
but need to test more
* Win Messenger 5.1 <-> Ekiga (Linux) -- he claims that he is told
that I need a .NET Passport

Has anyone tried the last option and if so, is there any validity to
his statement that he is prompted for my .NET Passport?

I found the following posts in the archives which I've passed on to him:
http://www.mail-archive.com/ekiga-devel-list gnome org/msg00327.html

So, has anyone got this working?

Also, is it worth suggesting that he install Ekiga-win32 (note it
would be a difficult task for him, he's remote to me and I find it
hard to help) ?  What does ekiga-win32 need to get to a usable state
if it's not already there?

Merci a tous les "ekiga developers "et Bonne Année,

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