Re: [Ekiga-list] Block SIP address ?

Damien Sandras wrote:
Le dimanche 25 f�ier 2007 �1:19 -0600, Laurent Jacques a �it :
OK. Thank you.

Outside of the ekiga software, is there a way to report abusing person on the SIP database service ? A kind of warning send to the SIP owner, ... I don't know. Problem is also to preserve freedom of the other honest persons.

If you send an e-mail with his identity to accounts ekiga net, we can
delete it or warn him that he will be deleted if he continues.

Thanks. Finally, after sending him a strong mail, this person has explained that he was just trying to find somebody to test ekiga ... My wife received a lot of calls in two days from this person. This is why we imagined the worst.

Even if it seems to be a false alarm here, a blocking filter would indeed be a very good thing for next ekiga versions. Happy to see that you work on it. You do a great job guys! Thank you for that.


Dr. Laurent JACQUES
Researcher, FRS-FNRS, Belgium

Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Universit�atholique de Louvain
Batiment St�n
Place du Levant, 2
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Office: a.133
Tel: +32 10 47 81 24
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