Re: [Ekiga-list] Block SIP address ?

Laurent Jacques a écrit :

I'm new to the list and I'm using ekiga from a while now. Great and handy program.

Here is my problem:

I kind of pervert person try to contact my wife by ekiga all the time when she is connected. Do you know if it is possible to block his sip address (as for msn or jabber messaging) so that she has not to every time refuse the requested connection ?

This kind of feature is useful too for children or teenagers who would use ekiga in a protected way. Of course, some rule have to be respected by them too to avoid that, but blocking sip address could definitely be a part of the solution.

We know since long, but haven't found the time to work on it :

I had presented a design to allow blacklisting some time ago, so even if there's no code progress yet, ideas get mature.


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