Re: [Ekiga-list] trying to use ekiga : 408 timeout connections

Hi Enzo,

I don't know what time zone your in, but it's about 5:15pm where I am (Washington State, USA). I tried to give you a test call, but it said the user wasn't available.


My test account, just if someone will try to connect to me, is 
enzo2 ekiga net.

Fedora Core 6 Linux
Ekiga Rocks!! One program so many ways to connect!

sip: geboyd53 ekiga net (or 617808 ekiga net)
H323: geboyd53
SipBroker: *673-617808  -or-  *011-1617808 (alias 617808)
e164: +13606660349 or +882 9999 398265 (linked to ekiga)
Voipbuster: geboyd53 (chat), 13606660349 (telephone)
Forward: 781549
Voxalot: 106153
Gizmo:  17476918163

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