Re: [Ekiga-list] trying to use ekiga : 408 timeout connections

enzo wrote:
> I everybody
> I'm a newby with ekiga and I trying to make it run without success.
> So I hope in someone help to point out my error or other cause that 
> prevent me from use the ekiga client.
> I have registered my account several days ago, and another test account 
> just this evening.
> My test account, just if someone will try to connect to me, is 
> enzo2 ekiga net 
> I also try to connect to sip:500 ekiga net ( and to other users on-line 
> ) from the ekiga client,
> but always I got a timeout. 

But do post the messages displayed in the "general History" window and
maybe the output from -d 4 if you want help. "I got a timeout" is a bit
too vague. Was this before or after registration, for example


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