Re: [Ekiga-list] Why does Ekiga throw away the first 3 seconds of sound?

Le dimanche 29 octobre 2006 à 17:52 +0100, Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :
> Damien Sandras a écrit :
> >>>>         
> >>> [...]
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I have done a debug log using ethereal, and I notice the following
> >>> behavior :
> >>>
> >>> 1) Ekiga sends the INVITE
> >>> 2) Ekiga receives the 200 OK
> >>> 3) Immediately after, Asterisk starts sending the media streams
> >>> 4) Ekiga opens the audio channels and sends the ACK
> >>>
> >>> The RFC tells that the media streams should not be sent before the ACK
> >>> is received. Asterisk doesn't follow this. So I conclude the bug is in
> >>> Asterisk not in Ekiga... 
> >>>
> >>> I'll see if I can find an easy to implement workaround.
> >>>   
> >>>       
> >> Would it not be better to open a bug on mantis (
> >>     
> >
> > Somebody can do it, yes.
> >   
> #8244
> Damien, hereunder the response from Ole ;-)

Ah well yes, he is right, I was sure I had read something else

I will see if it is easy to change OPAL for that (I have doubts).

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   oej - 10-29-06 10:35
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Well, you should be ready to receive media as soon as you send the INVITE.
> Let's try to find the various RFCs and throw them at each other... I am
> sure
> In reality, as soon as you make an offer, you need to be able to receive
> audio on the ports you specify.
> I don't see this as a bug. Check the implementations in various other
> phones.
> ---------------
> So here's my throw of RFC 3264, Section 5.1:
> "Once the offerer has sent the offer, it MUST be prepared to receive media
> for any recvonly streams described
> by that offer. It MUST be prepared to send and receive media for any
> sendrecv streams in the offer, and send
> media for any sendonly streams in the offer (of course, it cannot actually
> send until the peer provides an
> answer with the needed address and port information). In the case of RTP,
> even though it may receive media
> before the answer arrives, it will not be able to send RTCP receiver
> reports until the answer arrives."
> --------------------
> Say hello to Damien from me, I hope that he can join us at AstriVideoCon
> in Paris!
> Good luck fixing this bug in Ekiga  :-)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   oej - 10-29-06 10:37
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Not a bug in Asterisk, bug in Ekiga until proven otherwise  :-)
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_    NOVACOM         :
        FOSDEM          :
        SIP Phone       : sip:dsandras ekiga net

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