Le 17/09/2013 11:04, Julien Puydt a
écrit :
Yes. I generated a win32 package.Le 17/09/2013 10:22, Julien Puydt a écrit :Le 16/09/2013 16:00, Thierry Simonnet a écrit :from ../lib/engine/components/dx-videooutput/videooutput-manager-dx.cpp:38:What happens if you add a #include "runtime.h" to lib/engine/components/dx-videooutput/videooutput-manager-dx.cpp ?I just pushed a commit doing just that, because I think it is needed. Now the question is: was it enough to fix the break? Snark _______________________________________________ ekiga-devel-list mailing list ekiga-devel-list gnome org https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/ekiga-devel-list --
Thierry Simonnet ESIEE-Paris Par respect pour l’environnement, n’imprimez ce mail que si nécessaire