Le 11/12/2013 17:58, Eugen Dedu a
écrit :
On 11/12/13 15:15, Thierry Simonnet wrote:
Le 11/12/2013 14:43, Eugen Dedu a écrit :
On 11/12/13 13:54, Thierry Simonnet
Le 11/12/2013 13:21, Eugen Dedu a
écrit :
On 05/12/13 10:00, Thierry Simonnet
Le 05/12/2013 09:14, Eugen Dedu a
écrit :
On 05/12/13 08:51, Thierry
Simonnet wrote:
I made some tests.
For installation files, it seems to me that
* libfontconfig-1.dll
* libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll
* libexpat-1.dll
* libclet0-2.dll
are missing .
What does "it seems to me" mean? Do you have errors
or not? When do you have
the error? What error?
I had errors. libs are missings. Need to be added in
Makefile with other
I fixed all startup errors. I have not included
libclet0-2.dll, are you sure
it is needed?
I think it is necessary, but I don't understand why. Celt is
used by opal for
audio plugins, with static version (libcelt0.a). But when I
start ekiga.exe
without libcelt0-2.dll, I have a message "impossible to
start.... libcelt0-2.dll
is missing..."
Aha, so it is libcelt, not libclet as you wrote...
There is no libcelt...dll created, where did you find it?
it is generated in celt-0.11.3/libcelt/.libs/libcelt0-2.dll
I use the latest version of Makefile
In ekiga's Makefile celt is at version 0.7.1. I think this
explains your error.
As for upgrading celt, it is not interesting, since it will be
replaced anyway with opus sometimes soon. Also, celt versions are
incompatible with each other.
In fact, I made some tests for comparing performances for a full
.dll version and a static one. The performances are a littke bit
better with a full .dll configuration but not so noticeable.
Try rebuild everything with my latest
commits, it is strange why you need that
respect pour
l’environnement, n’imprimez ce mail que si nécessaire