Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Gstreamer Status

Julien Puydt <jpuydt free fr> writes:

> you don't have a gstreamer issue... you have a pulseaudio issue!

Well, Ekiga has a pulseaudio issue;). I've used Ekiga for a very long
time with pulseaudio, so it's a recent problem with it, in any case.

I've used pulseaudio for years with many applications and they all still
work, perfectly. 

Let me explain further. There is a button inside Ekiga to test ring
tones. This works and I see the channel show up in pavucontrol. 

When I dial, however, no channels shows up, even though Ekiga is
connected and the conversation duration counter is ticking. 

It would also be nice if Ekiga had a test button to test the audio
channels used for incoming and outgoing audio. Just play a simple tone
through the selected device. 

> Unless you mean the sound problem goes away when you stop using
> gstreamer for video... which would be pretty surprising!

It doesn't seem possible to start Ekiga without video. 

If I disable all video codecs, Ekiga doesn't seem to connect. The window
only displays "Standby" and the conversation counter is not visible. 

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