Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] [Win32/Linux] tests with last version

Le 11/06/2010 10:31, Thierry Simonnet a écrit :
Avahi (Linux) : not working. When doing avahi-browse -a, Telephony (SIP
and H323) didn't be there.

I'm not sure I understand that sentence. Running avahi-browse -a, I see ekiga appear as both H323 and SIP and both IPv4 and IPv6 on startup and disappear on shutdown...

Presence :

* (ekiga/ekiga) Always on-line except when there is a call
(headphone) Changing status has no effect.
* (Linphone/ekiga) : ekiga saw any linphone as "in a call". Linphone
saw ekiga client as not connected. Everything is OK for PBX side
* (x-lite/ekiga) : ekiga saw any x-lite client as "in a call" or
available (no refresh). X-lite saw ekiga client as ready when
launched (any status) "not connected" when stopped.

For presence : we know our code for presence is broken in the opal code, because of some upstream change. And the break is only there : the loudmouth code still works good -- both for seeing the state of others and exporting our own (with personalized messages too).

If I had any clue what changed in opal's handling of presence, I'm sure fixing the problem would be a ten minutes matter :-/

Auto-answer (windows):

* receiving calls using auto-answering is OK. When not activated,
unable to catch the call. No trouble for Linux version.

You mean the popup window doesn't appear? Doesn't work?


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