[Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga output to file or RTP

Hi all,

    I'm trying to provide Ekiga with other outputs, rather than
regular graphical or auditory. In this sense, I've modified the
dx_videoutput device and created a new output device. In this new
output device I've done some tests to write to file the received
frames (display_frame & display_pip) using an ofstream object. I've
also used an OpalTranscoder object to trancode from OpalYUV420P to
OPAL_H264 (creating a RTP_DataFrame,...), the x264 reports about the
coding process, but I'm not able to play the recorded files with VLC.
   I've though of using the OpalFileMediaStream, since I might not be
correctly writting the file through a "fs <<packet->GetPayloadPtr() ",
but this requires a OpalConnection, which requieres a OpalCall and a
OpalEndpoint. How should I write to file? How should I work with the
OpalFileMediaStream? Creating a "fake" Endpoint & Call.
  For the case of RTP, I only want to dump the frames to a fixed IP &
for now, I think that I would be facing the same issue of having to
start a Call & Endpoint to be able to set a RTPConnection.


Best regards,


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