Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Analyzing Ekiga TCP/IP packets

On 02/08/2010 11:11 AM, Eugen Dedu wrote:
Irving Ruan wrote:
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 1:25 PM, Eugen Dedu
<Eugen Dedu pu-pm univ-fcomte fr>wrote:

Irving Ruan wrote:
Hello ekiga devs,

I am currently attempting to try and test video/audio throughput, delay,
etc. with Ekiga softphone via a two person conference. Are there any
programs out there that will allow me to analyze network traffic that's
specific to Ekiga's utilization of resources? Or, is there a way to
"hook" the network packets while running Ekiga, say, from the command
via some tool?
Well, I do not think there is such a program, but you have two

- use wireshark and filter messages from and to your computer

- or use ekiga -d 4 2>blahblah, and afterwards you look into this
blahblah file, which contain SIP packets (not audio/video packets) and
other information.  If you use the program at, you
can remove the "other information" to see only SIP packets.


Thanks for the help. Is there an advantage to using Wireshark over the
command-line output option?
with -d 4 you have only SIP headers, with wireshark you have everything.

> From my understanding, SIP handles the end-to-end transmission (i.e.
request/response) of TCP/UDP packets that contain the multimedia
information, instead of actually containing the real data itself. Since my
question is somewhat ambiguous, I hope this is more clear: what specific
part of the source code handles audio and video transmission, especially
one(s) that deal with the TCP/IP layer?

I've been looking around in /lib/engine so I assume that's where all of the
core/internal layer of Ekiga calls are handled...
No, you should look into opal library.

You also can use sipp tool.


Thierry Simonnet


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