Hi, I use both environments and I think working a little bit more on Win32 version to have linux and Win32 version at the same level will be a good thing. Best regards Damien Sandras wrote: Hi everyone, In the last few months, Ekiga has been evolving in various directions following the own will of each of its developers. It is right that, on the contrary of other major Open Source projects, we are all coding in our spare time. The envy is great to do that the way we like it. However, if we want the project to survive and to evolve in a *stable* way, I think it is important to define goals between releases. Here are the goals I would like the project to reach for next release. I'm talking about user-visible changes, not about internal changes. Actually, things should be designed in Ekiga to improve the user experience, not the developer experience. 1) Having the possibility to add to the roster people with more than one phone number (from the address book). 2) When a contact has been added from the address book, renaming it in the address book will trigger renaming in the roster. Changing contact information (cellphone number) will have the same effect. 3) A stable Pulse plugin, which will be the default. We will take the advantage of all Pulse features (stream tagging so that music is automatically stopped when receving or giving a phone call, and so on) 4) Having the ability to handle several calls simultaneously, with attended transfer support. (I need this at the office to take calls with Ekiga). We should also work on related aspects : 1) Ekiga.org website 2) Ekiga.net website 3) Ekiga.net service Comments ? --
Thierry Simonnet ESIEE-Paris