Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Mingw32 : Having problem with ffmpeg

I have looked through your logs. It appears that you have vfw.h but in a
version too outdated for ptlib. If you work on a debian based system you
may try to install .
I know Fedora has it as well but cannot find it at the moment. Otherwise
you may consider to go to, get the latest Win32 headers and
poke them into your system.

First I am very thankfull for all of your answers, thanks you for spending some time on my problem.

I installed the new mingw32 runtime on my debian lenny, and at least issues with vfw vere solved.
But after changing the WINVER macro in  ptlib/include/ptlib/msos/ptlib/contain.h from value 0x500 (windows 2k) to 0x501 (windows XP), which correct errors with getaddrinfo in ekiga/win32/ptlib/src/ptlib/common/sockets.cxx; now there is a linker error :

/home/devel/win32/ekiga/win32/ptlib/lib_mingw_x86/obj_d/contain.o  /home/devel/win32/ekiga/win32/ptlib/lib_mingw_x86/obj_d/object.o  -lwinmm -lwsock32 -lsnmpapi -lmpr -lcomdlg32 -lgdi32 -lavicap32 -liphlpapi -lole32 -lregex -lexpat  -ldsound -ldxerr9 -ldxguid -lstrmiids -lole32 -luuid -loleaut32 -lquartz -ldnsapi

/home/devel/win32/ekiga/win32/ptlib/lib_mingw_x86/obj_d/sockets.o: In function `_ZN11PHostByName7GetHostERK7PString':
/home/devel/win32/ekiga/win32/ptlib/src/ptlib/common/sockets.cxx:532: undefined reference to `_getaddrinfo 16'
/home/devel/win32/ekiga/win32/ptlib/src/ptlib/common/sockets.cxx:535: undefined reference to `_freeaddrinfo 4'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [/home/devel/win32/ekiga/win32/ptlib/lib_mingw_x86/libpt_d.dll.2.7-beta0] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/devel/win32/ekiga/win32/ptlib/src'
make[2]: *** [debug] Error 2

It miss a little something to link, but i do not see what.

If someone has an answer for this situation please le tme know, so i can try to cross-compiled ffmpeg with Micheal's Makefile.

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