Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Call for testing our new platform

yannick wrote:

We are currently in the process to switch the softwares used for the service. Before the real switch, we need some people to test

To use the improved service, you just need to configure ekiga 3.0 to use
an inbound proxy (in Edit -> Preferences -> SIP Settings -> Outbound
Proxy): set it as "". The rest is just similar to the
current use of

You need to use the stable release of Ekiga 3.0 (3.0.0, or 3.0.1) to
test the new system. Our current Ekiga trunk (SVN) has its outbound
proxy broken at the moment.

We also have a new web interface to register accounts:
Warning: All new account created using this new web interface will be
deleted once we will do the real switch.

Hi Yannick!

On page :
- terms and conditions textarea is too small, I suggest to increase twice its height and width - after entering something wrong (for ex. forgot to write the last name), an error page is generated with: "Fields in red are erroneous! Error: test1 already used! Please, pick up another username." I suggest to add: "and retype gotcha", as another gotcha is generated. I suggest also to highlight more (not bold) this text, for ex. with a colour background. - if last name is not entered, the error message does not specify it, like for "test1 already used".

- after starting ekiga and adding the new account, I received in the accounts window "Could not register(Forbidden)". After restarting ekiga, it registers correctly.


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