[Ekiga-devel-list] On XCAP and resource-lists standards


I have still no news from anyone about the way other clients than eyebeam store their resource-lists.

I still worked on the issue :
- I fixed a big memory leak in the current XCAP code ;
- I managed (five minutes ago after a very long fight) to get openXCAP up and running on my box -- and ekiga displays the list I expected.

Now the question I have is the following :
- should I try to push the existing resource-lists code, which does recursive list+entry but not entry-ref&external yet (read-only, of course) ; - or should I just get a clue from what I saw from eyebeam, and realize resource-lists aren't (1) meant to be seriously compatible from client to client (2) seriously supported in their full RFC-glory with recursive lists, entry-ref and external by other clients anyway?

In the second case, I'll just make ekiga do a xmlns:gm="..." trick and store a single <list> with <entry> children, said children having <gm:group> children for the categories (ie : I'll be able to re-use [by copying unfortunately] the local-roster code).

What do you think?


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