[Ekiga-devel-list] .deb for ptlib, opal, ekiga yesterday SVN


I have finally managed to create .debs for ptlib, opal, ekiga and start ekiga!!! They use yesterday SVN. They are based on Kilian's deb .diff.gz, with modifications for current SVN versions. I put them at http://eugen.dedu.free.fr/ekiga.

To install them, better (IMO) remove before any libpt*, libopal*, ekiga* packages on the machine.

Manual procedure I used to create the packages, given that .diff.gz are provided: svn co https://opalvoip.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/opalvoip/ptlib/trunk ptlib
svn co https://opalvoip.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/opalvoip/opal/trunk opal
svn co http://svn.gnome.org/svn/ekiga/trunk ekiga
for i in ptlib opal ekiga; do
  cd $i
  if [ $i -ne 'ekiga' ]; then svn2cl; fi
  find . -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \; # <-- don't know if really needed
  cd ..
  cp -a $i $i.orig  # <-- allows to create the .diff.gz file
  cd $i
  patch -p1 <../$i*.diff.gz  # the .diff.gz are provided
  debuild -us -uc
  cd ..

Of course, the version of packages (e.g. -20080418) should be updated according to the downloading date.

TODO for deb packages:
- revisit debian/copyright, seems that some files in ptlib (at least) have specific copyrights
- revisit debian/templates
- configure.dpatch in ptlib: is it really needed, Kilian?
- and others

Let me know what do you think.

(PS Exactly when all was finished, I executed an rm instead of mv, and I lost the opal*diff.gz file :o(; it took my 2 hours to recreate it. Do you know that you can recover files simply with # cat /dev/sda3|strings|grep "what you are looking for"?)


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