Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga CVS access

Jan Schampera a écrit :
On 24 Sep 2006 20:52:47 -0400
Gregory Stark <gsstark mit edu> wrote:

The normal way to specify CVS roots is something like

:pserver:username hostname:/path

just quoting a hostname isn't really helpful. Especially since
pservers often require an empty password, non-empty password, or
specific password depending on how they're configured.

Why isn't there a page on ekiga's home page with CVS instructions
like other software projects? It must get tiresome having people ask
this question repeatedly. You seem to go out of your way to hide it.

I have to agree. Though generic CVS instructions were posted in this
mailing-list recently by me.

I began a Wiki-Entry with generic compiling instructions, it's *far
from* being complete, but I hope others will fill it with life, too
(dependencies, specials, configure-options, ...).

The problem here is really the time to do such things. As it is a Wiki,
I hope others will contribute a bit. This page is meant as addition to
the official FAQ, it can contain everything you think is worth.



If you want the full url, here it is :
and it will have nice instructions on how to retrieve source code from cvs.

I failed to mention ekiga's module is named "ekiga", but I did give a very useful hint!


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