Re: Multiple artists

On 2017-03-02 15:54, Budge <ajebay errichel co uk> wrote:
On 11/02/17 14:40, Salomea wrote:
Well, how about two or more artists that are both known and relevant?
Various Artists does not apply. And the idea would be to pop up in both
lists if the library is sorted by artist.

I have tried & ; , / \ and the result is the same: a string of names.
The artist with 14 names ;-)

I believe this question is similar to my last paragraphs in my post
above on 31 December 2016.  You are looking for a delimiter so that in
the metadata both artists are listed individually.

The delimiter suggested is a "dash." See under preferences>tags> Splitting.

The delimeter is " - " (space dash space, search for MULTIFIELD_SEPARATOR in the sources).

I have never been able to get this to work in Easytag with flac files.

You also need to enable tag splitting (Tags pane, Splitting section) in the preferences. It is disabled by default because it is not obvious from the UI that the fields will be split. The splitting also only applies to Vorbis comments (FLAC and Ogg containers, roughly).


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