Hi On 2016-05-03 20:58, easytag-ML malenki ch <easytag-ML malenki ch> wrote:
Here Easytag recently breaks a lot of ID3 tags. I could reproduce it amongst others with this file: https://malenki.ch/d/02_Psalom._To_Alfred_Schlee_on_his_b.mp3 * Open the folder which contains this file with easytag * Edit the ID3-Title that it just contains "Psalom" * Press "save" * close easytag * Open the folder which contains this file with easytag again Result: No ID3 tags show up
I can confirm this behaviour when using id3lib (writing ID3v2.3 tags). However, there is no problem when writing ID3v2.4 tags with libid3tag. It is not currently possible to get errors from id3lib when writing ID3 tags:
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=765333It is likely that id3lib fails to write the file successfully for some reason, and does not report the error. Writing a custom wrapper function (rather than using the id3lib-supplied version) might help to get more information, so I will have a look at that soon. In the meantime, you could use ID3v2.4 as a workaround.
Easytag reports "Error reading ID3 tag from file" etc. (why is there no way to copy the log entries?)
Nobody has requested that before (and nobody has written the code to make it possible). There is an on-disk log file stored in ~/.cache/easytag/easytag.log (depending on the value of XDG_CACHE_DIR) which you might find easier to work with.
-- http://amigadave.com/
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