Hi Nicholas Apologies for the late reply. On 2016-11-17 13:19, Nicholas Sheppard <nps nps id au> wrote:
Thanks, installing appdata-tools-devel did the trick and EasyTAG now compiles successfully. And, yes, I originally built EasyTAG from the easytag-2.4.2 tarball. When I try to build easytag-2.4.2-setup.exe, the makensis step fails because my system does not have /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/bin/pango-querymodules.exe or /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/pango. According to http://pkgs.org/download/mingw32-pango, pango-querymodules.exe was in mingw32-pango 1.36 but is no longer in 1.40. I haven't been able to figure out whether it was removed for a reason, or has been moved to another package, or something else. Do you know if it is in another package?
I updated the installer configuration to take into account the change in Pango to drop support for external modules:
https://git.gnome.org/browse/easytag/commit/?id=effffadf1472a55ef6470f2b1763eefeef7c3b71 Support for modules was dropped in the 1.37 development series of Pango.
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