Re: easytag doesnt save/load config

Hi Josef

On 2015-11-11 21:47, Josef Ott <josef ott98 web de> wrote:
  have an annoying problem with easytag. When I start easytag I have to
  manualy change some settings to use it properly. It seems like easytag
  isnt using ~/.config/easytag at all. How can I get easytag saving my
  settings so I dont have to change the standart on startup every time?
  Im using fedora 21 kde, everything is updated, other programes dont
  behave like that..

As Jens rightly pointed out, recent (2.3 and up) versions of EasyTAG started using GSettings for configuration.

To test whether the settings will be stored persistently, you can start "easytag" from a terminal, and it should warn about using the memory GSetttings backend. If that is the case, you can install dconf to store your settings in ~/.config/dconf (for EasyTAG and all other GSettings-using applications).


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