Re: [Easytag-mailing] Album Artist

Am Mittwoch, den 13.06.2012, 17:42 -0700 schrieb Kip Warner:
> I haven't applied it to trunk. I'll let you guys discuss it. I'm
> indifferent either way.

I tried to answer 4 days ago, but with wrong From-address and the list
rejected it, sorry. Here my thoughts again:

Am Mittwoch, den 13.06.2012, 21:46 +0200 schrieb Götz Waschk:
> Oh no, please don't apply the patch. The "Album Artist" field is
> essential for "Various Artists" releases or for split albums. It is
> interpreted by my iPod and also by banshee.

@Götz: I think the patch will only move the GUI textfield "Album Artist"
visually to a more adequate position, near other more optional fields
(fields that are only known by some but not all players).

Am Donnerstag, den 14.06.2012, 07:55 +0800 schrieb Auguste Pop:
> apple devices, iphone for instance, use album artist to display the
> artist of an album.
> this sets a trend. some newer mp3 players also use album artist now.
> it's a shame i don't have the actual statistics.

@Auguste: thanks for the clarification! I admit, I am no apple user ;-)
Anyway it is a useful field, and I would not want to remove it either.

With regards, and thanks to all you guys who
help to bring Easytag back to life!
+++ Oliver

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