Re: [flac] Fields "Orig. Artist" and "URL"

On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 13:36:44 +0000
David King <amigadave amigadave com> wrote:

[RFC for tags]

Ok David, please don't take my critisism too personal! My postings are
not against Easytag or its developers! What I just miss using tags, is
that there is no consistant way of applying the tags, especially
outside Easytag. Julian Hughes (see other reply) has also been busy to
find his own workarounds for filling the tags and to have them
displayed by the player he uses.

I think this is No Good Thing. For html there is, but for
tagging there's nothing specified. Everyone is just messing
around with tags. You are talking about bugs in player software. I
don't think that this is a bug issue, there are just no guidelines at
all how to implement tags.

Certainly: this issue is more an issue for players than for tagging

> > Changing the functionality of some fields is not a solution I fear,
> > as long as no specific directions exist in this matter :-(
> If you would care to look at the bug that I filed, you will notice
> that I suggested correcting the field label for the comment that is
> written into the "PERFORMER" field to be ‘Performer’ rather than
> ‘Orig. Artist’:

Sorry, I said "some" fields ;-)

But anyway, I think I made my point now: I'd like to be able to edit
tags with whatever tagging software and to play it with whatever
player and have the same result. And I'd certainly use Easytag :)

Same goes for CDDB, which is a superb initiative, but the tags are one
big mess, especially for classical music.

Thanks anyway for your time David...


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