[Easytag-mailing] Question about m4a/mp4 tags

No reply last time so will try again!
Recently the BBC downloads using get_iplayer and AtomicParsley on Linux (openSUSE) 
system have been saved as .m4a files.  

When I check the tagging of these files with Easytag but before I try and make any of my 
own changes, all the tagging is in place and looks fine but when I wish to move to another 
file they are highlighted in red and Easytag asks me if I want to write the tags.  There is no 
clue however as to what changes it wishes to make.  Please could somebody explain what 
is happening here.
In addition to the above symptoms suggesting all is not well, Twonky will not serve these 
files from my NAS.    In fact it doesn't seem to see them.  Perhaps somebody else has had 
this problem?

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