[Easytag-mailing] Glad, then sad

I was gladdened to see that someone had adopted EasyTAG and that there was an effort to revive the project as I've been using it for the last five years. However, I am saddened to see that it has been adopted by a narrow-minded chauvinist who revels in the use of one of Joseph Goebbels' most famous propaganda techniques. Just because one wishes something were true does not make it in fact truth.

I have always seen the open source software movement as inclusive one, rather than exclusive. Why must one force their religion onto others with such rabidness in the context of software development? A mature response to a question as to whether or not a given platform will be supported would be to state that one has no interest in supporting said platform, but that others are welcome to do so, and leave it at that. No need for frothing at mouth, hot button-pushing, or other non-civil retorts. Such behavior does not aid in building up a project; behavior such as this is only useful as a tool of destruction.

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