Re: [Easytag-mailing] Using checkinstall with easyTAG

On Tue, 2011-07-12 at 16:23 +0100, bat wrote:
> Hi
> I\'ve compiled easyTAG from git.
> I\'m using Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04.
> When I compile and install using these commands, everything
> is OK:-
> cd ~/ && \\
> git clone
> git:// && \\
> cd easytag && ./ && ./configure && \\
> make && sudo make install
> But when I try to use \'checkinstall 1.6.1\' it gives errors.
> It seems that the package name and version and release have
> some bad characters in them.
> Please can it be fixed so it works with checkinstall?
> This is the checkinstall command that gives errors:-
> cd ~/ && \\
> git clone
> git:// && \\
> cd easytag && ./ && ./configure && \\
> make && \\
> sudo checkinstall --pakdir \"$HOME/Desktop\" --backup=no
> --deldoc=yes --pkgname easytag \\
>     --pkgversion \"2.1.6+git`date +%Y%m%d`\" \\
>     --deldesc=yes --delspec=yes --default && sudo ldconfig

Hey Bat,

I've cc'd the list. In the future, the first place to ask is always on
the list for questions like this.

Regarding your question, I'm not familiar with checkinstall, however, I
will probably end up debianizing the tree some time in the near future
using Ubuntu's current debianization as a starting point. That way you
may not have to use checkinstall.

Kip Warner -- Software Engineer
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