[Easytag-mailing] Hi Jerome,

It has been a while since I needed to write to the group but I have just purchased a new 
NAS device and moved my MP3s to it.
All is well and Twonky is streaming just fine.
I have done the transfer using NFS from old Linux server so I thought I would continue to 
use said old server to rip any new Cds and to do any housekeeping using your great 
program by pointing it to the NFS share.
It does work OK but is very sluggish.  Any thoughts on how I might speed things up or 
possible better, set up Easytag on NAS device, in which case what would be the best 
way to use it?

What about a web interface?

Also can I tag Flac files as I am thinking of these for classical collection rather than 

Advice/comments most welcome.

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