Re: [Easytag-mailing] Tags always 'changed'


Yang Zhang <yanghatespam gmail com> enlightened the world by writing
these words of wisdom:
> Hi, whenever I select a folder and tracks are listed in the middle pane, 
> then switch to another folder or try to exit, EasyTag says there have 
> been unsaved changes and prompts me to save the tracks, even though I 
> have done nothing - it seems to ask me about all tracks.
> After reading the docs, I find:
> "Sometimes when loading files, you will note that some files are 
> displayed to red. This will be due to useless spaces which are 
> automatically stripped in the fields.  So it displays the file in red to 
> let you to save the file. Note that you can't disable this feature)."
> How do I tell exactly what changed?  I find it strange that nearly every 
> single track has been auto-corrected, since these were auto-tagged by 
> another program, Picard, which gets information from an online music 
> database - did Picard really add extraneous spaces?

I have exactly the same problem -- I'm using Picard as well. Sometimes I
would like to use EasyTag to manually edit some tags, but it tends to
fuck up some tags set by Picard, especially the year field. Picard puts
a full YYYY-MM-DD formatted date into the year field -- which might not
be standard conform, but I happen to like that -- and EasyTag "fixes"
this by setting it to YYYY automatically.

I have asked on this list why this is done, and if it can't be disabled
that EasyTag automatically corrects tags (which might often be unwanted
changes that one did not want to have been made, even worse when you
cannot even see what exactly has been changed), but I got no reply.

Another thing I am missing in EasyTag is the "compilation" and "album
artist" fields. I'm not sure if they also get lost when re-tagging files
that already have those fields set by another tagger. I should test
this. But it's bad to not be able to set/edit those fields at all.

An option to set custom fields would be very nice to have. With Picard,
thats possible, but it's a pain to set those there, as you can only do
so file by file.


Frank Blendinger | fb(at) | GPG: 0x0BF2FE7A
Fingerprint: BB64 F2B8 DFD8 BF90 0F2E 892B 72CF 7A41 0BF2 FE7A
  "Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."
                                               (Homer Simpson)

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