Re: [Easytag-mailing] Problem with showing files with cyrillic names in Windows


I guess that if you set EASYTAGLANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 doesn't fix the problem.

Let me understand better the problem with Cyrillic encodings :
-  the encoding KOI8-R was used only under Linux  (or set by default)?
- and the encoding CP-1251 used only under Win32 (or set by default)?

If the encoding is CP1251 under Windows by default, try to set the EASYTAGLANG environment variable to the value "bg"


pzn wrote, the 13/06/2007 10:46 :
I've got the same problem. I set EASYTAGLANG=ru as you suggest but it doesn't
Here is my easytag.log:

Starting EasyTAG 2.1 (PId: 4520) ...
Currently using id3lib version 3.8.3 ...
Variable EASYTAGLANG defined. Setting locale : 'ru'
Currently using locale 'ru' (and eventually 'KOI8-R')...

I thought the problem was in KOI8-R,  because folder and file names looked
exactly the same as a cp1251 encoded text file opened in the MSWord as
koi8-r ("лНХ ДНЙСЛЕМРШ" instead of "Мои документы" for example). So I tried
to set EASYTAGLANG=ru_RU.CP-1251. It says "Currently using locale
'ru_RU.CP-1251' (and eventually 'CP-1251')...", but now EasyTAG reads and
writes cyrillic file names in UTF8 codepage. (If I save folder named
"Музыка" in EasyTAG, it looks like "Музыка" in Windows Explorer.)

Thanks in advance

Jérôme COUDERC wrote:
I gave you a wrong information, you must write the EASYTAGLANG variable as the LANG variable under Linux...
So something like


EasyTAG - Tag editor for MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files
Jerome COUDERC <easytag gmail com>

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